Pilgrimage Tour to Komarock Shrine

Travelling eastwards from the city of Nairobi, one soon enters the expansive heart of Ukambani; the traditional homeland of the Akamba People. The peaceful plains and occasional hills of this land are indeed a welcome sight after a stay in the busy bustle of Nairobi. Heading towards Kangundo, one soon begins to see rocky hills to the left and right. And it is one of these hills, some 50kms from Nairobi that has become over the last few years a special place of prayers, retreat and penance. For it is here on the Komarock Hill that the Akamba People have welcomed Mary and her Son, Jesus into their homeland and into their hearts.

From ancient times, Komarock was always referred as a sacred place. Elders would journey there, climbing to the western side of the rock to offer sacrifice at the Ithembo (the designated place for traditional offerings), praying for rain and protection from diseases. Often, the old folk say, their petitions would be answered, thus fostering the belief amongst the people that an unknown power resided there on the mount.

Legend has it that Komarock is a distortion of the Kikamba phrase ‘koma loko’. This in the Kamba language means ‘sleep’ it is said that in the old days, girls and women going to fetch firewood and gather fruits and bird’s eggs on this hill used to find a mysterious woman sitting on a rock, holding a baby in her arms, rocking it gently and singing to it a lullaby.

The shrine at Komarock near Tala in the Catholic diocese of Machakos was built to foster devotion to Our Lady. No authentic miracles or bodily cures have been recorded at Komarock, although several persons claim bodily cures have been recorded at Komarock, although several persons claim boldly and spiritual favours after visiting and reciting rosary there.

Though some claim to have seen Our Lady there no proof has yet been provided. Komarock Shrine was chosen as a shrine because it is an isolated place, where you can spend time in prayer without being disturbed by the hustle and noise of the world. The hill is said to be a place of prayer for anyone who wants to spend some time alone with God.

Komarock Shrine is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. It is a place set apart by the diocese for prayer and medication. The ten foot statue of Our Lady at Komarock represents Our Lady as she appeared at Lourdes in 1854. The huge, yet realistic 70 feet figure of Jesus in arms leaning against her chest invites the devotees to prayer, penance and sacrifice. It shows a tradition that Mary received the dead body of her son in her lap when it was lowered from the cross, for it is impossible for a woman of about fifty years old to hold in her hands the dead body of a full grown man of 30-35 years old.


Komarock is a place of pilgrimage. Pilgrimage is a journey to and from a holy place or shrine as a religious action-it means an act of piety. Processions, reverence of the cross, signing of hymns, recital of prayers and palms, fasting and pious actions are connected with pilgrimages. Pilgrimages also are made as a sign of gratitude or thanksgiving for favours received. It is a symbolic expression of a Christian’s aspiration to leave this world and to journey towards his heavenly home. Muslims go for Haj Pilgrimages to Mecca. Buddhists go to places where Buddha became enlightened. Hindus have several important centres of pilgrimages spread all over India. Visiting these places and bathing in the sacred rivers, they believe would was away sins. Many consider it to be a sign of salvation to die in one of these holy places. Pilgrimages to the holy Land were a tradition that goes back to the time when Emperor Constantine built a Basilica over the Holy Sepulchere, where according to legend the true cross was preserved and was discovered by his mother St. Helena.

In case you are looking for a place to seek refuge outside Nairobi, contact us via info@beadsafariscollection.co.ke for pilgrimage tours.