The History of the Osman Allu Shop in Nyeri

Located along Kimathi way on the same block as the Post Office. Osman Allu shop is the oldest shop in Nyeri town. Osman is believed to have arrive in Kenya around 1894. Osman worked as a salesman and bookkeeper for the great entrepreneur and merchant, Allidina Visram. Osman acquired great insights on operating a business from him.

Osman and Mohamedally Ratansi walked up to Nyeri where a railway station was being set up by European settlers and started their first shop in 1901.They later set up a sawmill in Karatina where they supplied sleepers for the railway track that was being lied to Nanyuki and another shop in Muranga which was then known as Fort Hall.

Osman Allu significantly contributed to the building of the Catholic Consolata Mission Hospital in Nyeri, Tumutumu Hospital and in the 1920s he helped in building an Indian School and the present Nyeri Mosque. When Osman moved to Nairobi in 1945 with part of his family, he left his son Abdul to run the shop. If you are ever in Nyeri, you can pass by the shop and learn its history and also buy some day to day goods. Contact us for Nyeri City Tours and Day Trips via