Fresh, Crisp and Aromatic Experience at Lé Pristine Hotel – Nyeri

Excitement was in the air as we left Nairobi for Nyeri, the words Lé Pristine ran on everyone’s mouth and vast expectations were building as we approached Nyeri. In Nyeri, we met up with an old friend Kariuki who works at Lé Pristine as a guide and naturalist, and he was instrumental in guiding us to the new kid on the block in Nyeri.

As we alighted our vehicle at Lé Pristine Hotel; fresh, clean and unspoiled fresh-air engulfed as the owner, Mr. Kingori gave us a hearty smile and welcome to Lé Pristine. He ushered us to the manicured lawns for briefing. We wouldn’t help but marvel at the majestic Mt. Kenya towering over the backdrop of the lush green lawns.

Mr. Kingori and his staff took us on a tour round the facility; we started with the gardens that have been partitioned by different well kept trees, shrubs and herbs. Walking through the stone-pathed walkways at Lé Pristine your inner senses are awakened as Mr. Kingori has purposed to plant diverse herbs and trees that are aromatic, therapeutic and medicinal at his facility.

Currently, Lé Pristine only has a restaurant and the owner has plans of constructing accommodation facilities and a fitness centre. The signature building is the Club House that can be accessed via an outdoor eating terrace that is ideal for informal meetings overlooking the lush lawns, birds chirping and flying from flower to bush and the eminent Mt. Kenya.

Lé Pristine is also ideal for a company retreats and is equipped with a boardroom and has 7 botanical gardens to hold cocktails, exhibitions and grounds for team building. The botanical gardens can be used for small intimate meetings, barbeques, parties and photo sessions while enjoying the diverse scents from herbs and shrubs.

Lé Pristine and its environs is a birdwatchers haven with over 200 species recorded. Mr. Kingori and Kariuki being keen birders, guided us for a birdwalk within the Lé Pristine environs. We walked out of the gate and took a right turn onto a murram road and immediately a streaky seed-eater flew across our path and hide amongst some bushes on the path.

We found a red-collared widowbird perched on a dried leonotis (also known as Sunbird Flower or Lion’s Ear) and there were also quite a number of juvenile widowbirds on the grassland practicing their dancing ritual. The walk led us to a shallow water pond that gave us an opportunity to see red-billed firefinch, yellow bishop, red-collared widowbird, crimson-rumped waxbill, mountain wagtail and African citrils taking the much need bath under the mid-day sun, there were about a dozen citrils at the shallow pool that seemed to enjoy the bath most.

As we approached Lé Pristine, we were fascinated to hear calls of Hinde’s Babblers calling amongst the nearby lantana camara bushes. Mr. Kingori told us that the hindes babbler can be easily seen on the lush green lawns of Lé Pristine most early mornings.

The walk consisted of sightseeing opportunities where we found locals fishing in a dam, moderate adventure experience crossing a local make shift bridge underneath a flowing stream.  

Charles Mwangi and Washington Wachira renowned ornithologists and bird guides were the perfect combination to the Lé Pristine duo and offered an enriched and wholesome birding experience.

In line with Lé Pristine’s mandate to increase tree cover at their facility; Mr. Kingori had organized for each one of us to plant a tree to mark International Day of Forests upon our return. He indicated that his staff would nurture our trees to maturity and we promised to revisit to check on the growth of our trees.

Upon our return the chef had prepared a buffet meal consisting of rice, ugali and potato wedges accompanied by beef, chicken and fish with sauted spinach, kachumbari, french beans and carrots.

With full bellies, exquisite service at Lé Pristine and memorable birding experience we departed the facility proud with a bird checklist of over 50 species.

Contact us for day trips to Le Pristine and Nyeri via or call 0717110803 or 0732281432.

One thought on “Fresh, Crisp and Aromatic Experience at Lé Pristine Hotel – Nyeri
  • 5/5

    Beautiful green environment, serene and looks very inviting!! Phoebe thanks for sharing, have added it to my list of where to bisit in 2019!?