Ngare Ndare Forest Day Tour
Birding, Day Excursions, Ecotours, SafarisNgare Ndare is Maa for ‘goats water’. Ngare Ndare is a gazetted forest used to promote peace and co-existence among the different communities in the area – the Meru, Maasai,…
ExploreThe Nairobi Boardwalk Experience – Kitengela Glass and Masai Ecolodge
City Tour, Corporate & Team Management, Day Excursions, EcotoursThis very exciting trip will take beads enthusiasts to Kitengela Glass and Masai Eco-lodge or Rolf’s Place. Kitengela Glass has a magical ambiance filled with glass sculptures and mosaic pathways.…
ExploreZanzibar Islands Tour
Culture, Ecotours, Romantic GetawaysTumbatu Island Lies off the north-west coast of Zanzibar where there are several 14th century mosque ruins and some 40 stone houses of the Shiraz People, built in the 12th…