Tag: birdwatching in Kenya

Kakamega Forest Reserve: The Living Pleistocene Remnant

Kakamega Forest is the only remnant on Kenya of the once great tropical rainforest that stretched across Central Africa. During the long Pleistocene period great climatic changes occurred throughout the world where dense rain forests stretched from West Africa, across Central Africa and into the highland areas on the west and eastern walls of the Great Rift Valley. In 1923, gold was discovered in parts of the forest and the…

Launch of the Kenya Women Birders (KWB)

On 29th March 2019 at 1400 hours, Fort Hall at the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) was filled to capacity; all the seats on the lower deck fully occupied, some participants opted to seat on the steps of the terrace as they eagerly waited for the launch of the Kenya Women Birders (KWB). Whispers and murmurs filled the room as participants from Kenya and Uganda interacted prior to the start…

Glamping at Narumoru: Friends Hangout and Farm Visit

We had planned and waited for this weekend getaway in NaruMoru. We were ecstatic about this secluded getaway and had carried all my guide books, camera, spare battery and warm clothes for the chilly NaruMoru weather. About a kilometer’s drive after Narumoru town, we made a right turn and after missing a turn or two, we finally ended up at our hidden getaway at a friend’s friend’s farm. Two spitz…

Rusinga Island Lodge: Kenya’s West Coast Romantic Rendezvous

The flight from Nairobi to Kisumu was breathtaking, the aerial views of the Great Rift valley system and lake shores was magical. Upon arrival at the Kisumu International Airport, our guide and taxi drove us to the Luanda Kotieno beach which took about one and a half hours. We waited at the lounge and when the ferry arrived it took us about 45minutes to get to Mbita. One of the…

The Pristine and Sacred Kaya Kinondo Forest

Kaya Kinondo is one of the Mijikenda sacred forests spread out over the coastal stretch of Kenya. The kaya is located in Kinondo location, Msambweni District in Kwale County and is about 30 minutes drive from Ukunda town. Kaya Kinondo forest covers approximately 30 hectares of low-lying coral with varied ecosystem, consisting of about 187 plants and 48 birds and was gazetted as a national monument in 1992. After exchanging…