Tag: ecotourism in Kenya

The Pristine and Sacred Kaya Kinondo Forest

Kaya Kinondo is one of the Mijikenda sacred forests spread out over the coastal stretch of Kenya. The kaya is located in Kinondo location, Msambweni District in Kwale County and is about 30 minutes drive from Ukunda town. Kaya Kinondo forest covers approximately 30 hectares of low-lying coral with varied ecosystem, consisting of about 187 plants and 48 birds and was gazetted as a national monument in 1992. After exchanging…

Muranga: Fort Hall Day Excursion

What was planned as a visit to admire Elimoo Njau Muranga Murals at an ACK church in Muranga turned out to be a full day excursion to Muranga County. The day finally reached and we set out for Muranga at 9:30am from Nairobi. We drove past Ruiru, Juja and took a turning Kenol a renowned junction that marks the end of the dual-carriage road. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ALH6qehiRo&t=284s[/embed] Our first stop was Mukurwe…