Tag: ethnic groups in Kenya

Muranga: Fort Hall Day Excursion

What was planned as a visit to admire Elimoo Njau Muranga Murals at an ACK church in Muranga turned out to be a full day excursion to Muranga County. The day finally reached and we set out for Muranga at 9:30am from Nairobi. We drove past Ruiru, Juja and took a turning Kenol a renowned junction that marks the end of the dual-carriage road. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ALH6qehiRo&t=284s[/embed] Our first stop was Mukurwe…

Agikuyu People Mythical Origin – Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga

Inter-community mingling and absorptions experienced by the Agikuyu people over a long period of time may have led to telling diluting effects on the community's customs and traditional knowledge. Introduction of foreign religions also played a major part by aggressively introducing foreign cultures and values and further discouraging traditional ways of life of the people. Colonization introduced modern educational and urbanization; as well as increased interaction with outsiders in central…

Promoting Culture and Conservation at Kaya Muhaka Sacred Forest

The coastal forests of East Africa have some of the most beautiful and biologically important areas in the world, supporting many endangered plant and animal species. However, more than 30 million people also inhabit this region, putting increasing pressure on these natural resources and hence the need to promote and sustain conservation of these fragile ecosystems. Spread out along 200km of the Kenyan Coast are ten separate forested sites, mostly…

Yatoi Women Traditional Dancers

Enroute to Lake Bogoria, we made a brief stop at Marigat to buy some honey, souvenirs and also meet the Yatoi Women. The Yatoi Women's Group office is located in Marigat town and can be accessed by road via the Nakuru-Baringo Highway and branch off at Marigat. The group's chairperson, Mrs. Jennifer Chelagat was keenly waiting for us. She narrated that the women’s group started in September 2008 as a…